December,  2011
Placencia, Belize 

From the Rio Dulce in Guatemala, we sailed north east to the Sapodillo Islands, then west to  the coastal town of Placencia on the Belize coast.  Its a very relaxed, small town of about 450 residents.  It's sort of the end of the road of the mainland.  The closest large town is about 2 hours away.  There's a mixture of Hondurans, Belizians, expatriots from various countries, and tourists  all making up the local economy.  It felt like a relaxed little beach town.  I enjoyed my time here for 2 weeks, but then I was ready to explore other areas.  
One of the many small islands to spend an afternoon picknick or dive in Belize.
The main dock in Placencia.
These fisherman are cleaning the catch of a tourist paid fishing trip. 
The anchorage in Placencia.
My skipper and crew mate at their favorite coffee hang out.
The cruiser's bar at Yoli's.
A breakfast flour tortilla 'fry jack' with deep fried dough
 is a very popular meal any time of the day.
These Garifuna Joncunu dancers roam the streets 
during Christmas time dancing for the local people.   
Their costume consists of a wire mask painted with European features, clothes representing British military uniforms, and shells around their legs doing fancy footwork in their dance as the traditional dance makes fun of the English soverigns. 
You can see the typical Belizian coastal houses.