February 2013
Udaipur, India

Udaipur is in Rajasthan in the North West part of India.  It has more desert there and the people's dress is very colorful.  Each part of India seemed distinct but this area was even more different. 
 There was so much to do in Udaipur. A cooking class seemed in order. It was very interesting how all of the dishes we made started with only one sauce.
My cooking partner was a Canadian who was on holiday from living in England.  We wound up watching the cook and writing down the recipes.  So many men are very good cooks in India.
There were so many vegetables available all over India.  Fruit was also available everywhere and more expensive.  I read that only 90% of the people can afford fruit.  The color of all of the carrots were very odd.  They were red.  And they tasted a little different too.
We could take a miniature painting class at the hotel or get temporary tattooed with henna.  
Doing henna once was enough for me.  It took about two weeks to come off and my arm looked dirty the entire time.  I guess I'm not a tattoo candidate.   I would get tired of it after only a few days.
The roof top restaurant of our hotel with a beautiful view of the lake.
My friend Ligia had been in the south of India and not having a very good time  so I suggested she come to where I was. I took a 12 hour train ride to pick her up at the airport in Delhi.  Then we took the 12 hour train back to Udaipur.  Travel is so complicated in India that you are better to have someone meet you and show you how to do it.  After that, you can do it by yourself.  
One of the islands made by a king now is a hotel and restaurant.
I believe these men were promoting their theater.  They were entertaining in the streets.
We decided to go to one of the two island summer palaces.
A boat took us to the palace.  We splurged and had $8 ice creams and pretended we lived there.  It felt so exotic.
Elephant statues greeted visitors.
The flowing black curtains looking out onto the water
 gave the restaurant an exotic aura.
The area was originally damned to make the lake which is so shallow, that sometimes in the hot summer it's not deep enough for the small motor boats to move around on the lake.
 Traffic on the dead end street that leads to the city palace.
School children on an outing to see the palace.
Traditional entertainment balancing pillows on her head while dancing.
Muslim family on the lower berths of the train.  It was interesting to watch them eat with their fingers getting food all over the place and then wiping everything up with newspaper.  I was told they believe they should have a lot of children to populate the world with more Muslims.
The ancient way of getting water using bulls.
A very beautiful Jain temple carved of all white marble.  These odd little entrance steps were  used throughout the temple.
No two pillars are alike.
A large carved elephant.
Tourists walking among the many carved pillars.  It seemed as if there was no place for people to meet with all of the pillars covering the main floor areas.
                A view of the ceiling through an opening on the main level.
The all white marble was so beautiful.
