February 2013
Khajuraho India
Khajuraho has only 20,000 people so it's a quiet little village. That's hard to come by in India and it was very appreciated.  It's about 400 miles SE of Delhi.  It is from the Hindu dynasty from the 10-12th centuries.  It is known as the Kama Sutra or the sexual temple. It would have been destroyed had it not been in an overgrown jungle.  Locals sowed it to the English who had it excavated.

There are several large groupings. 
A larger view.
 They were elegant and sensually carved.

You can see how many temples there are in the background.

There were so many different angles.
Many figures.  My neck was getting sore.
The Kama Sutra depicitions were on several temples.  
A guard was quick to tell me that it was all theater and not real.   
They apparently used elephants in wars.  Here you can see a person's head getting crushed under an elephants foot.
Kama Sutra art.
The lawn mower for keeping the grounds clean.
Thali.  My favorite.  It usually costs around $5-6 US. 
The trees are numbered in the event that you cut 
one down, you  will be charged.
The sweet ashram I stayed in. 
India has one of the world's largest train systems transporting 25 million passengers daily.  This is how they keep track of where the trains are.  The passing ghost train (cargo train) dropped a ring and the other train worker is handing the passing train a ring.  Each carries information which they give to the next station using a telegraph machine to let the stations know where the trains are.  It seems archaic but it's very efficient!