Febuary 2013
Boghgaya, E India

I did not want to leave Aurovill beause it was one of my favorites places and because  January was such a wonderful month.  In December I wanted to hide in the shade from 1-3:30 because of the heat, but not in January.  It was the perfect temperature.  I went north because I had to avoid the heat in the northern area.  It sounds unbelievable but January and February are the best months to travel around the north including Delhi, Agra and Jaipur and the desert state of Rajasthan.  People warned me not to put it off because I would be miserable in these areas in March with temperatures well over 100 degrees.  So I went north. The train trip lasted almost 40 hours.
 The main entrance to the temple.  The bodhi tree is behind the temple.
Overview of the temple grounds.

Bodgaya is known for being the place where Buddha was enlightened under a Boddhi tree.  A desendant of the tree is still there with a temple next to it.  It is one of the most iportant  pilgrimmage sites for Buddhists and they come from many countries.  China has many practising Buddhists.  They come and chant their doctrines and many do postrations.  The boards are used to go from a standing position to a laying on your belly position.  They do this for hundreds of times.

Also in Bodgaya are Buddhist temples that were built by many foreign countries to honor Buddha.  Each one is very beautiful.
 Settled in for a long round of chanting.  The ground was very cold.
Prayers wheels that automatically turn on gears.  We get blessings if you turn them or not.
 Postration boards. One kneels down on the end and slide on your 
belly toward the other end.  Very slick.
THE bodhi tree!
The inside ceiling of one of the perimeter temples.
 The ceilings often were the most interesting.
 Drumming and chanting Buddhists.
Some of them were yawning.  They must have been playing for a long time in the temple.
 Group photo of a group of pilgrims.
 Buddhist cree.
Very large Buddhist statue.
Part of the village.
Most of the pigs that I have seen in the north look like wild boars.  An ancient rickshaw.
 Breakfast cart.
Poop wall.  Ok, it's cow dung. 
These are hand formed patties drying on the wall and will be used for heating and cooking.
Very typical barbershop.  Any wall will do.